Zippos Circus, Royal Windsor Racecourse, Windsor, October 29th until November 3rd 2009

The cruel Zippos Circus will be in Windsor, 29th October-3rd November, Zippos has a bad record when it comes to animals. Please read through this site exposing Zippos circus with an open mind. Please say no to Zippos!

Royal Windsor Racecourse  Maidenhead Road Windsor Berks SL4 5JJ

Thursday Oct 29th, Friday Oct 30th, Saturday Oct 31st, Sunday Nov 1st, Monday Nov 2nd, Tuesday Nov 3rd

Zippos Circus, Wembley Stadium, Wembley November 6th until November 16th 2009

Zippo Circus, Wembley Stadium, Wembley November 6th until November 16th 2009

Zippos Circus will be in Wembley at 6-16th November, Zippos has a terrible record when it comes to animals. Please read through this site to find out what Zippos don’t want you to know. Please say no to Zippos!

“Zippos employed a man who defended infamous abuse at Chipperfield’s circus in court. After watching footage of the thrashing and kicking of a baby chimpanzee he was asked “See anything which would constitute cruelty?” he replied unequivocally “No”.  Asked if he would do the same he said “Yes”!”

Wembley Stadium, Yellow Car Park,  Engineers Way, Wembley, HA9 0DH

Friday Nov 6th, Saturday Nov 7th, Sunday Nov 8th, Friday Nov 13th, Saturday Nov 14th, Sunday Nov 15th

Say ‘No’ to Zippos Campaign

Zippos is one of Britain’s last animal circuses and has a disgusting record. Nowadays opposing the use of all animals in circuses is a position that is widely accepted with animal welfare moderates like the RSPCA. But there are specific reasons to say ‘No’ to Zippos:

  • Zippos employed David Hibling who defended infamous abuse at Chipperfield’s circus in court. After watching footage of the thrashing and kicking of a baby chimpanzee he was asked “See anything which would constitute cruelty?” he replied unequivocally “No”. Asked if he would do the same he said “Yes”!

  • Zippos Circus don’t care about animals and their performances have been described as ‘boring’ and ‘degrading’ by audience members.

Find out more about Zippos and Circuses . Learn What Action you can take.

Circuses have a long and rich tradition of entertaining performances in this country. We have nothing against all human circuses – we simply oppose the antiquated and cruel use of animals by Zippos Circus.